In these days of higher fuel prices and tighter budgets, why not find places to explore in the area where you live and activities you and your family can pursue there? Generally many of them are free or don’t require much money to do. I’ve discovered there are many in my home area. What about yours?
Robert Frost |
Attractions Surrounding a Person - The poet Robert Frost once lived in our town and taught at the college. During this time he wrote some of his poetry and acquired ideas for more that later was published in his books.
He is mentioned on the walking tour. However, you also can visit other places where he lived in the state, such as his farm in Derry and his home and the present poet-in-residence center in Franconia.
Daniel Webster tried his first case in the old court house in Plymouth. It later became a library and presently is the home of the Plymouth Historical Society, where they feature interesting monthly programs. His home also is open for visitors in another town.
Find famous people or happenings in your state and see about touring the areas where they lived and worked.
College in the Area – If there is a college or university in your area, check to see what they offer in the way of programs for the summer. Plymouth State University usually has concerts scheduled for the public to attend. Often there are workshops for youngsters for a modest fee.
Parks and Recreation Offerings – Is there a Parks and Recreation organization in your town? These often provide daily and weekly programs for youngsters, with often evening offerings for the whole family.
Natural Attractions – Hiking trails, bicycling routes, swimming holes, picnic spots all offer summer fun for the family. Perhaps you think there isn’t much to do, but look around you, research online and find your state’s tourism department. There you often can link to many activities and attractions. If your town or city has a Chamber of Commerce, they probably have a web site you can explore to find information.
Historic Markers – If you’re a history buff, you’ll find the historical markers, designating sites of yesteryear of interest. Many people like to follow these around their region. There’s a listing of the markers in New Hampshire In all likelihood, you can find them for your state or region.
Summer activities this summer don’t have to be expensive or far from home. Explore what there is to do around you.
©2009 Mary Emma Allen
(Mary Emma Allen enjoys exploring her state of New Hampshire and other states to find the attractions there. Also, in these days of budget tightening, she tries to find inexpensive activities for her family and to share with others. Visit her at,
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